Can you believe it’s St. Patrick’s Day already? How’s your luck been this year? Here are the best of luck and lucky, with a little “spin.” (wink, wink)

Getting Lucky
Hands down, this one is everybody’s fave, and for good reason. Whether it’s in the sack or in the casino, if you’re getting lucky, you’re having a damn good time.
Stroke of Luck
(*Ahem*) I’m pretty sure this one is supposed to be relative to gaming — cards, roulette, craps — but if you’re having a stroke of luck, I bet it feels a-freakin’-mazing.
Best of Luck
Usually, your friends and family are serenading you with these three words when you’re off on a new adventure; Maybe you’re starting a new job or moving across the country. The people who want good things for you say these three little words to you. Your buddies at the bar will also call out these three little words to you, as you stagger out with your 2:00 AM beauty queen, when they really mean you’ll need it in the morning, Loverboy.
Lucky Charm
Whether it’s an inanimate object, a person or a box of morning cereal, there’s nothing wrong with having a little superstition to your keep mojo clean and your eyes on the prize.
Good Luck
Man-o-man, this can come at you in a bazillion different ways — not all of them good. A sarcastic, “Good luck!” means you don’t have a chance in hell. If you get challenging “Good luck,” with a 1,000-yard stare, shit is about to get really real, really quick. But if you ever got a slap on the back and “Good luck!” from your Grandpa, you were right as rain.
Pot Luck
Each dish is approximately 5,000 calories, per serving, and completely worth it. Wear comfy pants. You’ll thank me later.
Lucky In Love
The pessimist in me has ALL SORTS OF THINGS to say about this one, but I’ll keep her locked down (that’s what he said!). Being lucky in love must be something that just makes you feel happy all of the time. I’m a little jelly.
As Luck Would Have It
This phrase is usually part of a stellar story that’s already gripped your full attention. I love those stories, and the gifted folks who deliver them so well.
Luck Be A Lady
Aren’t you hearing Sinatra in your head right now? Yeah, you are.
“A lady doesn’t wander all over the room, and blow on some other guy’s dice…”
You’re In Luck
Never, ever, has any bad news ever been delivered after these three words. I mean, it’s not like your doctor would look at you and say, “You’re in luck. You’ve got herpes!”
Lucky Bastard Club
I want to be a member of this club so badly, but I’m no bastard. Damn it all to hell!
Lucky Guy, Lucky Girl, Lucky Them, Lucky Fella, Lucky Gal, Lucky Dog
They all mean the same thing. They’re getting some, and you’re not.
Which means they’re probably members of the Lucky Bastard Club, too, the lucky bastards.
Lucky Stars
We’ve all wished upon them and thanked them. Some of us more than others, and for good reason. Some of us legit wouldn’t still be here without our lucky stars.
How Lucky Can You Get?
Again, this is usually said as part of an amazing story about someone getting away with something that’s so incredible it would never happen in a quadrillion years. Tell me a goooooooooood story!
Luck of The Irish
Even the people NOT in South Bend, IN believe in the luck of the Irish, especially the folks from the actual Emerald Isle.
Wherever you may be this St. Patrick’s Day, I wish you the best of luck; Today, tomorrow and forever. Truly.
We can all use the best of luck.
Whether you’re getting lucky or can’t believe your stroke of good luck, joining the Lucky Bastards Club or wishing upon your lucky stars, as luck would have it, you’re in luck. Luck be a lady tonight.
More tomorrow,