Dating & Romance

Pharmaceuticals & The Accoutrements Of Getting It On . . .

Small jar of little blue capsules
Let me just tell you, that is a helluva lot to take in, while you’re trying to eat your crab cakes.

The RISE of The Little Helper

Black lace bra, flowers and jewelry
The Ins & Outs of choosing lingerie.

Thongs of Ice & Fire

Use Your Mouth, But Don’t Say A Word . . .

Three pickles

Grady’s Birthday Job

Dinner Rolls

Real Men Eat Dinner Rolls

Pull & Press Simultaneously, And He’ll Reboot

Online Dating; Helpful & Cringe Worthy

That's What She Said

Top 20 HILARIOUS Male Online Dating Usernames

Best, in white neon

Top 20 HILARIOUS Female Online Dating Usernames

Laugh-Out-Loud EPIC Dating Fails...

Little boy and little girl rear view walking on bridge
His face lights up! He is so proud of himself for landing upright!

Mr. I’m Not An Alcoholic.

Turtles on Valium walked faster than this old relic did…

Cornell? Yeah, You’ve Mentioned It.

Emoticons with heart faced emoticon in focus
“If I fake a heart attack right now, will they call 9-1-1, or can I just say I’ll drive myself to the hospital?”

Negative Nelson Is In The House!

More EPIC Dating Fails…Yep, I’ve Done The Legwork, So You Don’t Have To!


Black & white photo of feet, focus on the toes
The craziness ensued pretty quickly and went something like this…

Foot Fetish Guy

Disturbing Mask with Hoodie
If you’re not ready for what you’re about to see, it will be fifty shades of DISTURBING.

What In The World Is BDSM?

Old, ornate, gothic-looking church
Him:  “I like the way hosiery feels against my skin when I’m wearing it.

Mothers, Catholics & Sisters, OH MY!

Restart. Refocus. Reinvent.