10 Tips To Keep In Mind, When Starting A New Career, After 50.
“I’ve had at least 50 jobs, over the course of my career.
I saved the best for last.”
Haven’t you heard?
We’re in a recession.
You can point your finger at Covid, the Federal Government, your state governor, global warming or the aliens who probably lock their doors, as they cruise by our planet.
Pretty much, the entire globe is jacked.
Wow, that’s a bright-and-sunny disposition for this Sunday morning, isn’t it?
Let me readjust, focus on the positive and get it together.
Regardless of what the circumstances were or are, or how you’ve landed under the category of “looking for new work or a new career altogether,” here are some suggestions, tips and tricks of what will undoubtedly assist you in your new job/career:
1. Open-mindedness is key:
You’re not 25 anymore. You’ve seen and done some things.
(Insert wide grin here)
There’s a high likelihood that your new boss will be younger than you.
Remain open-minded and know that every day presents a new opportunity, even if you’re not in a managerial position at your new gig.
Remember, this new job may be a stepping stone to a fantastic opportunity, right around the corner.
2. Your Positive Attitude:

Your positive attitude — that Nothing-Is-Impossible attitude — that’s ingrained in you and has gotten you this far is not going to fail you now.
Being positive is not only noticed by your new boss, it’s also recognized by your new coworkers, who will be more likely to follow your lead, as well as ask for your input.
3. Be Approachable:
No matter how busy you are at your new job, no matter how hard you’re concentrating on learning the newest software that’s crucial to you performing well in your new role, you’ve always got time.
Stop and answer your colleagues’ questions. Offer suggestions, when asked.
Be the new person who is so damn approachable, the people who have worked there for years will seek your two cents.
4. Listen More Than You Speak:
We’ve all worked with (or for) the Mr. Knows Everything guy.
No one likes that person, and, more importantly, very few value what that person says.
Instead, listen more than you speak.
Give clear physical cues that you’re listening:
Nod your head.
Smile slightly.
If seated, lean slightly forward toward the speaker.
Whether the person on the other side of the cubicle wall or conference room table realizes it or not, their subconscious is recording every word you don’t say, and they’ll be the person that tells other coworkers how engaged you are, when it comes to understanding the work/task at hand.
5. Offer Insightful Suggestions:
While you’re listening more than you speak, know when to interject and offer suggestions that haven’t already been introduced on the topic.
You may be way off.
However, your fresh perspective may hit the bullseye, which is never a bad thing.
Wallflowers are rarely valued, when it comes to business strategy.
6. Keep Your Private Life Private:
Your work colleagues are not your friends. They’re acquaintances, at best.
Read that again.
Leave your personal baggage at the front door, every morning that you walk into work.
Compartmentalize, and stay focused on the task at hand; Being an absolute rockstar at your job.
Dramatic people are expendable.
7. Identify And Steer Clear Of The Toxicity:
These are the folks that suck the air out of the room with their negativity, or want to talk smack about every single person, as soon as they leave the room.
They’re easy to spot, but not always easy to avoid. They like to corner people, and their toxicity is their own misery, uncontrollably oozing from them.
Telling the self-appointed company gossip that you’re so busy, you just can’t talk at that particular moment while walking away, is the easiest escape route.
When I’m approached by these people, I’ll reply with, “Sorry. I’ll always defend the person who’s not in the room, since they can’t defend themselves,” as I begin to turn away from them.
Setting clear boundaries sends an even more-clear message to the gossiper that you aren’t willing to participate.
8. Accept Additional Coaching/Training Graciously:
None of us knows everything, and today’s technology is evolving at lightning speed.
When you’re offered additional training, or your new boss coaches you on your new employer’s processes, software or procedures, accept that coaching/training graciously and soak up everything that they’re offering.
Having exceptional skills — regardless of the industry or technology — is never a bad thing.
Stepping stones, remember?
9. Punctuality Is Never Ignored:
The military will tell you that if you’re 15 minutes early, you’re late.
You don’t have to be the person that is waiting for the front doors to be unlocked every morning, but by the same token, strolling in 5-10 minutes late is never missed.
Be on time, each and every day.
It really is that simple.
Dependability is never ignored.
10. Do The Work No One Else Will Do:
Often, you’ll hear your colleagues flatly turn down work or claim, “That’s not my job.”
Those words are not only recognized by managers as identifiers of who is “team player” and who isn’t, but they’re also remembered later, in the form of promotions and raises.
Potentially, taking on additional work can be a slippery slope.
On one hand, you don’t want to be completely inundated and fail.
On the other hand, you don’t want to be considered lazy and useless.
If you can’t accept a task in its entirety, due to your current workload, instead offer to help in certain aspects of the work that you can accomplish on time.
Obviously, this behooves you in management’s eyes.
Most importantly, it shows that you offer solutions, rather than proffering excuses or flat-out denial.
The Wrap-Up:
Like the Sirius XM on-air celebrity, Buzz Brainard, I’ve had at least 50 jobs.
That’s all right. I’ve been a bartender, court recorder, truck driver, operations manager, business owner, and I’ve had dozens of other jobs.
For the record, I’m, in no way, an expert or professional coach.
But I’m willing to share what I’ve learned and what’s worked for me, because I’ve started over so many times.
I will forever consider myself a “work in progress.”
Starting over in a new role or career is an opportunity to grow and really shine, or maybe it’s stepping stone to something even more grand. You just never know.
You’re not old.
You must consider yourself experienced and valued.
And there are thousands of American companies who recognize and value that experience.
All you’ve got to do is make contact with them.
More soon,
Never be timid to RESET yourself, just like a clock with a dying battery – reenergize, reengage, reset!
Restart. Refocus. Reinvent.