Here’s my simple Goal Template. Make it yours. Post it EVERYWHERE!
Have you received a gazillion emails about writing goals for the new year?
Me, too!

Sharing my easy-breezy template, so that you could write your own goals, seemed like the most straight-forward way to help someone — anyone — get started on this endeavor, without having to read 1,000 words about someone else’s unrealistic goals.

My Goal Template is attached here in both PDF and Word formats for you:
First, this template is broken down into three easy categories.

- Short-term Goals — Goals that you can achieve in one month or less. By achieving these short term goals (and crossing them off), your mind will associate goal achievement as a POSITIVE thing, and it will keep you on track for the big goals.
- Mid-Term Goals — These goals are for the next 3-6 months. GO BIG! These are goals that you are striving for, and the accomplishments of your Short-Term Goals will put you on the direct path to achieving these Mid-Term Goals.
- Long-Term Goals — Goals that you want to knock completely out of the park in the next 1-3 years. (All of these time frames should reflect YOUR path, not mine; Adjust them to fit your life, as you Restart. Refocus. Reinvent.)
Second, your goals should be posted where you will see them and read them several times a day.
(Reading them aloud at least once a day helps me tremendously.)

- On your bathroom mirror, where you read them while you’re brushing your teeth, twice a day.
- Stuck on your fridge at eye level, where your eye will scan a line or two every time you open the fridge door (Your subconscious mind will read it ALL every time you open the fridge door, though!)
- In your home office, displayed prominently by the light switch or on the door.
- Pinned to your bedroom wall by your nightstand, where your goals will catch your eye when you turn on/off your light — the first thing you see in the morning, the last thing you see at night.
Reading your goals several times, each and every day, helps to embed them in your subconscious mind.
In turn, this helps to keep you on track.
It may sound ludicrous, but it works.
Finally, if you’re sitting there wondering what in the world your goals should be, maybe this will help:

- Ask yourself, “WHAT WILL MAKE ME HAPPY?”
- THINK BIG! You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in a short amount of time.
Here’s an edited version of my goals:
(Obviously, your goals will read differently, but this may help to give you some ideas:)
These are YOUR GOALS!
READ – several times – DAILY & STAY FOCUSED!
Short-Term Goals – One Month Or Less:

- Read a minimum of 10 pages, per day, of a book that will:
- Expand Your Mind – Positive Attitude (Your Philosophy is: YOU WILL BE Positive, Focused & Successful!)
- Expand Your Knowledge.
- Expand Your Focus, Goals, Success & Plan
- Exercise for 30 minutes 5-6 days, per week … YOU’VE GOT 30 MINUTES! (Maybe start with 1-3 three days for the first month. Once achieved, cross that sucker off, and rewrite a new goal for next month — maybe 2-4 days…and then keep crossing it off and adjusting!)
- J
oin and participate in online groups that support your future plans Schedule a meeting/lunch with a person (mentor) who is where you want to be.Expand your professional network by at least 50 people.Volunteer one hour of your week at the local Senior Center — play cards, read aloud, whatever they want/need.Build and launch WordPress blog page with FaceBook link. Stay focused and DO IT!Meditate for 2 minutes every single day for 30 days. This is so helpful! (Cross off once complete, and add new goal of 4 minutes, per day)Write a daily list of tasks/goals you want to achieve each day to help keep you on track. (Cross off once complete for a month straight.)- Meditate for 4 minutes every single day for 30 days. This is so helpful!
Mid-Term Goals – The Next 3-6 Months:

- Write and post blog articles.
- Clean up your loose ends – all of them. Write the letters that need to be written to your family, apply for secure credit cards and begin rebuilding your credit after your bankruptcy discharges, file your 2020 tax return before your bankruptcy closes. No procrastination; Own your mistakes and move forward.
- Research and confirm professional certifications and costs. Line up at least one to be completed this year.
- Lose another 20lbs. You’ve already lost 20lbs. You can lose another 20!
Start a Facebook page for your blog and cross-post to increase site visits.- Work a better-paying job – or two jobs – to get you closer to your financial goals.
- Save $XXXX. When the opportunity to move for a better job presents itself — and it will — you’ll be financially ready.
Long-Term Goals – Moving Forward In The Upcoming 1-3 Years:

- Stay focused on your health – QUIT SMOKING!
- Save $XXXXX.
- Pay off all remaining debt.
- Rebuild your credit — start with secured cards and small loans and get back to an 800+ credit score.
- Buy a small house
- Attend conventions and seminars – more information and training is SUCCESS
- Attain new professional certifications – Invest in yourself. It’s ALWAYS worth it.
There you have it. Those are my goals. Some achieved, most “in progress,” just like me.

Nothing fancy, outlandish or crazy.
Best of luck with your goal writing!
Restart. Refocus. Reinvent.
More soon,