Hey! I see you, Roseville, CA, U.S.A.!!!

Thanks for tuning into Refreshingly Fifty with such regularity, it’s bound to make the owners of Dutch Bros Coffee, on Baseline Road, a little jelly.

I truly appreciate the heck out of y’all.
At least, I’m hoping it’s more than just one person…
Do the people of Roseville, CA refer to themselves as Rosebuds?

The rest of us would like to know, please and thank you.
That’s right, Roseville!
There are about 300-500 people a day, from all over the world, reading this blog. (Hardly the “big time,” but I’m working on it!)

Now is your time to shine!
Google Analytics is a nifty little tool that I am just scratching the surface of, as far as ENORMOUS data and site insights they provide.

For instance, for past couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to really dig down and see where the majority of my traffic comes from:
- Country
- Area
- Gender
- Age Group
Obviously, this is so that I can tailor my posts to the folks who actually read them.
You know, so they’ll continue to read my posts.
And then, hopefully, some of you Rosebuds will start to share the posts on your own Facebook pages, and even more people will read my posts!
Follow the Refreshingly Fifty Facebook page by clicking here:
I still write about whatever the heck strikes me on that particular day, but this Analytics tool shows which pages/posts get the most traffic and where the majority of my “views” come from.
And for the last three weeks, Roseville, CA has been the spot where the majority of views for the week have come from.
I see you, Roseville!

Don’t freak out on me, Rosebuds. I don’t have your names or email addresses.
This is all I see.

But you’ve driven up this blog’s traffic consistently each week, and I THANK YOU!

Google Analytics offers drill-down data: Continent>Country>State>City>Metro> and so on.
I won’t bore you with all of the details, but I find it fascinating.
Here are a couple of screenshots for you, if you dig this stuff as much as I do:
Site views by state:

Site views by city:

They even give corresponding maps:

Here’s why I find it so very intriguing:
You know how you’ll look at something briefly on your phone, and then ads for the exact same product and similar products will show up for it in your Facebook newsfeed or Insta, when you’re surfing?
Google, Bing and others are gathering AND SHARING so much data on each and every one of us.
It’s truly amazing.
I’m telling you, there are dozens of behavioral subcategories that will help any company define who their niche customer is in a matter of a few simple, little clicks.
Additionally, there are graphs and reports, and — holy smokes — you can even set up goals and alerts, if you’re so inclined
(Not my site in the graphic below).

It’s both intriguing and a little disturbing all at the same time.
Like I said, YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION IS NOT SHARED, but it seems like Google Analytics already knows, pretty much, everything else about each and every one of us, so you know they’ve already got your email address somewhere.
I said alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of that to say this:
I see you, Roseville!
And I can’t thank you enough for taking the time out of your day to read what I’ve blasted out into in the cyber universe.
So go ahead, Rosebuds.
Blast this little shout out to your Roseville Chamber of Commerce, your friends and neighbors (even the ones you don’t really like), the Moksa Brewing Co., the Crocker Art Museum, The Beat Room, the Diamond Oaks Golf Course, the Roseville Historical Society Carnegie Museum — blast it everywhere.
And thanks again for the “clicks” and your time. I truly appreciate both.
Roseville, CA is now on my bucket list, because Roseville, obviously, ROCKS!
More tomorrow,