There are certain people on this Earth that feel like sunshine. I call these people Rare Sunshine People.
You just feel better when you’re around them.
Yes, they have fantastic attitudes and dispositions, but there’s something truly unique about these individuals.
They’re very rare.
In fact, I’d hazard a guess to say that I’ve met at least 10,000 people in my lifetime — give or take — having lived and worked all over the world.
That said, I’ve met exactly ONE of these sunshine people.
Her name is Kenna.
Of course, Kenna is beautiful inside and out, as well as brilliant, funny, kind, empathetic, loving and has a deep connection with God.
I say, “Of course, she is,” because there are so many good, positive, brilliant, funny, kind empathetic, loving human beings out there, who are deeply connected with God.
But there is something truly unique about Kenna.
When you’re in her presence, you just feel better — as if you just walked out of a cold, dark, damp cave that you’ve been trapped in for years and, all of a sudden, you feel the sun shining on your face.
See how I came up with “Sunshine People”?
When you speak to Kenna, no matter how busy she is or whatever is happening in her own life, you have her full attention.
And when she’s listening to you, she’s fully engaged; The way she looks at you while you’re speaking, you’re awash with the feeling that Kenna truly understands where you’re coming from and how you’re feeling, both instantaneously and simultaneously.
Kenna has this bright light within her, and it’s impossible to miss.
A coworker of Kenna’s, and mine, brought all of this to my attention one day.
“Doesn’t Kenna just feel like pure sunshine?” she asked me.
“Don’t you feel better after you speak with her?” she pressed on.
After thinking about for it a day or two, I went back to my coworker and told her how Kenna reminded me of the book, “The Five People You Meet In Heaven,” by Mitch Albom, and I asked her if she’d ever read it.

She hadn’t, but she did read it. That very weekend, in fact.
Remember, “Tuesdays With Morrie?” That guy wrote this book.
On Monday morning, she called me and said, “Do you think Kenna’s an angel?”
“I’m not sure,” I replied honestly. “But I do think that if Kenna is not an actual angel, she’s the closest thing to an angel that we’ll ever experience while on Earth.”
My summation seemed to satisfy my coworker, and she readily agreed.
Over the years, I’ve been in touch with Kenna here and there — texting, Christmas cards, updates about businesses and roles — but it’s sporadic, at best.
Each and every time, though, I always feel better after speaking with her.
Please don’t misunderstand me.
I don’t talk with Kenna as if she’s my therapist.
We just shoot the breeze about this and that — and I always feel like I’ve just walked into a bright, warm, ray of sunshine.
I truly hope that she feels happy and better after she speaks with me, as well.
Sunshine people are the rarest of them all.

If you’re lucky enough to meet one of these rare sunshine people, you’ll know it.
More tomorrow,