“Some books leave us free, and some books make us free.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here are some interesting reading stats for you this month:
The U.S. ranks as the country with the highest number of readers.
In fact, this is one of the few areas where we’re ahead of China.
The U.S. reads about nine times more books than the Chinese, which is the country that ranks with the second highest amount of readers.
Go U.S.A.!!!
Adult American women are the most avid of readers.
Women ages 25-34 read the most.
But then women ages 35-44 read the least.
My guess is that this is the age (35-44) when most women are raising teenagers and running all over the place. Just a guess.
Reading Apps can help you stay on track with your reading.
Yep, there’s an app for reading.
Actually, dozens of them.
These apps will help you keep track of the longest time period you’ve read, your longest streak of consecutive reading days, all of the books you’ve read and so much more.
They’ll even tell you how fast you read.
The app that I use let’s me know when I reached 20 minutes, which is my daily reading goal.
If I’m engrossed in the book, I ignore the timer and keep on keeping on.
If I’m tired or if it’s a very technical read, I’ll read to the end of that chapter or natural break in the book, and call it a day.
The apps can be helpful, but don’t let them rule your world and make reading a chore.
Highly competitive people read up to 300 books each year.
That’s reading a book nearly every day.
Those are speed reading and retention skills that I can’t even fathom.
God speed, speed readers!
You don’t have to be a speed reader to enjoy reading.
Find a book on a topic that interests you, and read ten pages a day.
That’s it.
Perhaps one of this month’s book recommendations will tickle your fancy…?
Reading List – March 2021 – Book #1:
Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape From The Democrat Plantation, by Candace Owens

I’m a little embarrassed to say that it’s taken me this long to read this book.
First, let me just plainly state that I am a fan of Ms. Owens, and I agree with her politic point of view.
That said, this book lays out the facts versus myths, as they relate to the Democratic Party’s long-held influence over Black America, in that Blacks needed to vote for the Democrats, in order to remain “taken care of.”
This book dispels the myth entirely, and gives so many facts and comparisons for each reader to come to their own logical conclusion.
It’s well researched, and you’d be hard pressed to actually locate someone on planet Earth that could intelligently argue that Ms. Owens is anything other than very, very smart.
I’d go so far as to say that the woman is brilliant.
Blackout brilliantly and systematically exposes the myth that all black people should vote Democrat. The book easily accounts as to why conservatism will leave Black America happier, more successful, and more self-sufficient.
Judging by the results of the last election — where more Black Americans voted conservatively (in person) than ever before — Ms. Owens has developed a movement, and her following believes that she is right.
This book is an outstanding read, regardless of political affiliation.
Reading List – March 2021 – Book #2:
Manipulation Of The Masses: Woodrow Wilson And The Birth Of American Propaganda, by John Maxwell Hamilton

This book is a long one — over 650 pages — but easily digestible.
The research for this book was meticulous, and the way the details are delivered to the reader makes what would normally be a very dry read, a true page turner.
I found, as I read this book, that I could not wait to read what was on the next page, and I actually just finished reading it last night.
After the Great War, the Committee on Public Information was formed by the Federal Government.
“The CPI reached every crevice of the nation, every day, and extended widely abroad. It established the first national newspaper, made prepackaged news a quotidian aspect of governing, and pioneered the concept of public diplomacy. It spread the Wilson administration’s messages through articles, cartoons, books, and advertisements in newspapers and magazines; through feature films and volunteer Four Minute Men who spoke during intermission; through posters plastered on buildings and along highways; and through pamphlets distributed by the millions. It enlisted the nation’s leading progressive journalists, advertising executives, and artists. It harnessed American universities and their professors to create propaganda and add legitimacy to its mission.”
“The office regularly sanitized news, distorted facts, and played on emotions. The CPI extolled transparency but established front organizations. Overseas, the CPI secretly subsidized news organs and bribed journalists. At home, it challenged the loyalty of those who occasionally questioned its tactics. Working closely with federal intelligence agencies eager to sniff out subversives and stifle dissent, the CPI was an accomplice to the Wilson administration’s trampling of civil liberties.”
If you find yourself wondering how or why the same newspaper runs two different headlines, on the same day, but on opposite sides of the country, read this book.
It will either open your eyes, or reaffirm that what you thought was happening is really and truly happening.
Reading List – March 2021 – Book #3:
The Martian, by Andy Weir

Yep, it was made into a movie with Matt Damon in the starring role.
And yes, the book is ALWAYS better than the movie.
The details and thought processes of the stranded engineer/astronaut are not only funny, the emotional determination to not give up and think outside the box is eloquently expressed.
The first nine words of the book are:
“I’m pretty much fucked.
That’s my considered opinion.
If that doesn’t grab your attention, I’m not sure what will.
The entire book holds your attention, and you’ll be astounded at the ingenuity and drive this character, Mark, has.
More book recommendations next month…
Happy reading!