I see you, Roseville! For the last three weeks, Roseville, CA has been the spot where the majority of views for the week have come from. Way to go, Rosebuds!
Category: Daily Posts – March 2021
Marching through March, one day at a time!
Real Men Eat Dinner Rolls – 19-Mar-2021
Real men don’t care what your flowerpot looks like, as long as they are the only ones planting the seeds.
Hotter Than A Laredo Parking Lot – 18-Mar-2021
It’s not quite hotter than a Laredo parking lot in July, but if you’ve got a cowboy (cowgirl) in your bed tonight, it’ll be pretty dang close.
Best of Luck – 17-Mar-2021
Can you believe it’s St. Patrick’s Day already? How’s your luck been this year? Here are the 15 best of luck and lucky, with a little “spin.” (wink, wink)
Out Sick – 16-Mar-2021
Out Sick. Be Back Soon. If you couldn’t tell by my less-than-typical recent posts, I’ve been under weather and (*smirk*) heavily medicated. Today is particularly awful. More tomorrow, -A Restart. Refocus. Reinvent.
If Travel Was Free – 15-Mar-2021
If travel was free, one thing if for sure, I would set out to see it all, and I would not stop until I saw every place I wanted to see, and I took in every sight that was recommended to me.
Jabba The Hutt Lives – 13-Mar-2021
My first thought was, “Holy shit, she looks EXACTLY like Jabba The Hutt, but with HUGE glasses.”
Rare Sunshine People – 12-Mar-2021
Sunshine people are the rarest of them all.
If you’re lucky enough to meet one of these rare sunshine people, you’ll know it.
Top 20 HYSTERICAL Female Usernames – 11-Mar-2021
People are judging whether or not they like you in, like, a nanosecond.
A Pet’s Unconditional Love – 10-Mar-2021
From anywhere in the house, if Little Man hears you sneeze, he’s making a beeline to your lap, and he’ll hop up and give you a quick puppy kiss, smack dab on the lips.